Command Line

How To: Remove A Package With YUM

Today's article is pretty basic, as the title so helpfully implies, as it simply tells you how to remove a…

1 year ago

Let’s Play Around With The Linux Shell.

Today's article is a bit of a mystery, as I'm writing it and not sure how it's going to end…

2 years ago

Let’s Count The Number Of Files In A Directory

Today's article probably isn't all that useful unless, of course, you want to count the number of files in a…

2 years ago

How To: Count Letters, Words, and Lines

Today's article isn't going to be all that interesting unless you happen to want to know how to count letters,…

2 years ago

Use visudo To Edit The sudoers File

Today's article may take a different format than most, as it's just an article telling you to use visudo to…

2 years ago

Let’s Password Protect A File

Today's article is a fun one, where we'll learn how to password protect a file using something called GPG. It's…

2 years ago

How To: Find Out Which Window Manager You’re Using

Today's article shouldn't be all that long or difficult, as we simply go over how to find out which window…

2 years ago

How To: Have Infinite Bash History

Today we're going to have a good time because we're learning how you can have infinite Bash history. There's a…

2 years ago

Let’s Make A Directory Tree

Today we're going to install a nifty application and then we're going to make ourselves a directory tree. We'll learn…

2 years ago

List The Files In A Directory

Today's article is only going to be useful if you are a new user and don't yet know how to…

2 years ago