
If you’re seeing this page after you donated, thanks for donating and you can now see that I was too lazy to create two pages to this task.

If you’re seeing this page for the first time, thanks for clicking on the link!


Truthfully, I don’t really need the money – but the money would be a nice benefit for spending the many hours I spend on this site. It’d be nice if people helped to cover the costs of hosting and maybe even covered the cost of some of the plugins I’d like to upgrade to paid versions.

I may just use any extra funds to bring more features to the site. There are some nice chat scripts, but they cost money. The free versions that I’ve found really don’t have the features I need. So, maybe I’ll do that… I dunno? I kinda doubt there will be a whole lot of donating going on in the first place and I’m mostly writing this page to satisfy the requirements of the donation plugin.

Either way, thanks!

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