Index of Linux Tips Articles

Command Line

  • ‘vnStat’ A Tool For Monitoring Your Bandwidth Usage
  • A Few Ways to Determine Which Distro and Version You’re Using
  • A Little About The ‘echo’ Command
  • A Quick Look At The Cat Command
  • A Quick Look At The Shutdown Command
  • Another Way To Show Mounted Filesystems
  • Avoid Storing Commonly Used Commands In Your Bash History
  • Better Network Diagnostics With MTR
  • Boot To Text Mode In Linux
  • Change Ownership Of Files And Folders
  • Change Your Hostname
  • Clear Cache, Buffer, And Swap Space
  • Clear The Terminal
  • Convert Disk Image Formats To .ISO
  • Count The Number Of Running Processes Per User
  • Create A New User In Linux
  • Demystifying journalctl: A Comprehensive Guide to Linux System Logging
  • Did You Know You Have A Calendar In The Terminal?
  • Don’t Let Applications Close When The Terminal Is Closed
  • Easily Monitor Your Wireless Connection
  • Enable x11 Forwarding With SSH (Remotely Use GUI Applications)
  • Find A Program’s PID (Process Identification)
  • Find An Application’s Process ID (PID)
  • Find Files Owned By A Specific User
  • Find Multiple Filenames By Extension – With Locate
  • Find Out When A File Was Created
  • Find Out Which Display-Manager You’re Using
  • Find Out Which Shell You’re Using
  • Find Recently Modified Files
  • Find The Boot Processes That Slow You Down
  • Find Your Network Interface Name
  • Fix Terminal Command Mistakes
  • Generate Random Numbers
  • Hide The Output From wget
  • How About A Brief Overview Of The Cat Command?
  • How Long is my Ubuntu Support Going to Last?
  • How To: Add A New Line With CURL
  • How To: Change The Port SSH Uses
  • How To: Change The Timezone
  • How To: Change The UUID For Your Disk Partitions
  • How To: Check CPU Temps With lm_sensors
  • How To: Check Disk Usage With ‘df’
  • How To: Clear The Terminal Screen
  • How To: Count Letters, Words, and Lines
  • How To: Create Custom Welcome Message In Your Terminal
  • How To: Decompress tar.bz2 Files
  • How To: Display System Information With screenFetch
  • How To: Display Your Fortune In The Terminal
  • How To: Extract An .rar File
  • How To: Find Files Over A Certain Size
  • How To: Find Files Owned By A Specific User
  • How To: Find Multiple Filenames By Extension
  • How To: Find The File Type In The Linux Terminal
  • How To: Find The RAM Total In The Terminal
  • How To: Find Your Man Pages’ Location On Disk
  • How To: Find Your Timezone In The Terminal
  • How To: Find Your Uptime In Linux
  • How To: Generate a List of Installed Applications in Linux
  • How To: Go To A Specific Line In Nano
  • How To: Have Infinite Bash History
  • How To: Install PIP In Linux
  • How To: Install Wine In Lubuntu
  • How To: List All Users In Linux
  • How To: Make ‘wget’ Ignore Certificate Errors
  • How To: Not Save A Command To Bash History
  • How To: Remove A Package With YUM
  • How To: Restart TeamViewer From The Terminal
  • How To: Return To The Previous Working Directory In The Terminal
  • How To: Search For Files By Name
  • How To: Search With apt
  • How To: Show All Environment Variables
  • How To: Sort Text Alphabetically
  • How To: Stop, Pause, and Resume Processes Running in Your Terminal
  • How To: String Commands Together In The Terminal
  • How To: Test Your Drive Speed In The Linux Terminal
  • How To: Update From The Terminal In Fedora
  • How To: Update OpenSUSE Tumbleweed From The Terminal
  • How To: Update Ubuntu From The Terminal
  • How To: Write Text To A File From The Terminal with “>” and “>>”
  • How To: Zip Files In Lubuntu
  • Install An FTP Server With VSFTPD
  • Install SSH to Remotely Control Your Linux Computers
  • Is My System Capable of 32 or 64 Bit Linux?
  • It’s Time To Introduce You To The Terminator!
  • Kill Frozen Applications The Easy Way
  • Let’s Delete An Entry In Your Bash History
  • Let’s Have A Happy New Year In The Terminal
  • Let’s Have a Limited Look at Linux’s cURL Application
  • Let’s Have Christmas In The Terminal
  • Let’s Install INXI
  • Let’s Learn A Little About The ‘dir’ Command
  • Let’s Learn About Absolute And Relative Paths
  • Let’s Learn About Grep
  • Let’s Learn About Halt
  • Let’s Learn How To Change The Default Terminal
  • Let’s Learn To Remove A Directory
  • Let’s Let AI Write An Article About ‘sed’
  • Let’s Make A Symbolic Link
  • Let’s Make The rm Command A Little Safer
  • Let’s Make The rm Command Even Safer
  • Let’s Play Around With The ‘MV’ Command
  • Let’s Play Around With The Linux Shell.
  • Let’s Talk About Using dos2unix
  • Let’s Upgrade Fedora From The Terminal
  • Let’s Zip A Directory In The Linux Terminal
  • Locate Your Home Directory
  • Make Ubuntu Provide Feedback (Asterisks) When Typing Passwords In The Terminal
  • Mastering the Linux Terminal Pipe Command
  • Mastering The Power Of Linux Tee Command
  • Monitor Progress With RSYNC
  • Navigate To The Start Or End Of The Line (In The Terminal)
  • Pause And Unpause Your Terminal
  • Playing With Your Bash History
  • Prevent Application Updates With ‘APT-MARK’
  • Prevent Application Updates With ‘YUM-VERSIONLOCK’
  • Repair Your Filesystem With FSCK
  • Repair Your Linux Filesystem With a Live USB or DVD
  • Rerun The Previous Terminal Command
  • Save A Command’s Output To A File (While Showing It In The Terminal)
  • Screenfetch vs. Neofetch, You Decide!
  • Search For Command History By Date
  • Search Your Man Pages With Apropos
  • Set A Timeout Value In cURL
  • Short: Automatically Add An Extension To Multiple Files In The Linux Terminal
  • Short: Fix Typos With A Caret
  • Short: Move A File To Multiple Directories
  • Show A Random Fortune When You Open Your Terminal
  • Show A Specific Networking Interface
  • So, What Is ‘sudo’ Anyhow?
  • Some Fun With Formatting The Output From ‘ls’
  • Some Fun With Sorting The Output Of ‘ls’
  • Sort Files By Size (In The Terminal)
  • Strip Password From A Password-Protected PDF
  • Terminology: View Pictures And Video Directly In Your Terminal
  • The Differences Between APT and APT-GET.
  • Time A Command To See How Long It Takes To Run
  • Today, We Have Fun In The Linux Terminal
  • Turn Your Man Pages Into HTML
  • Turn Your Ubuntu Into A Wireless Hotspot
  • Use A GUI To Manage Debian’s Software Repositories
  • Want To See The WiFi Password In The Terminal?
  • Weather In The Terminal? We can do that!
  • What is my Hostname in Linux?
  • When Did I Install Linux? (Expanded Edition!)
  • When Did I Last Reboot My Linux Box?
  • General

  • A Little About The ‘tail’ Command
  • balenaEtcher: A Tool To Turn Linux .ISO Files Into Bootable USB Drives
  • Change Your Timezone In Linux
  • Check Your Linux Kernel Log For Errors With ‘dmesg’
  • Compare Two Text Files Side By Side
  • Compress A File With WinRAR
  • Count The Files In A Directory
  • Delete Directories From The Terminal In Linux
  • Determine If You’re Using UEFI
  • Disable Printing And CUPS.
  • Finally, an Answer to What is The Best Linux Distro?
  • Find Files Created On A Specific Date
  • Find Out What A File Is
  • Find Your Linux System’s Timezone
  • Find Your Username In Linux
  • Get System Information With The ‘uname’ Command In Linux
  • Guest Article: Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSIs)
  • Guest Article: What Are SSH Keys?
  • How Do I Install Linux (A General Guide)
  • How To: Add A User To A Group
  • How To: Ask A Good Support Question
  • How To: Change Ubuntu Into Lubuntu
  • How To: Compress And Decompress .bz2 Files
  • How To: Create And Enable A Swapfile
  • How To: Determine Your Desktop Environment
  • How To: Find Large Files Using ‘ncdu’
  • How To: Find Your Present Working Directory
  • How To: Graphically Check Your Logs For Errors With ‘KSystemLog’
  • How To: Graphically Login as Root in Ubuntu
  • How To: List Cron Jobs
  • How To: List Open Files
  • How To: Mount An .iso In Linux
  • How To: Properly Delete a User’s Account
  • How To: Show Hidden Files And Folders
  • How To: Shutdown Linux From The Terminal
  • How To: Terminate A Terminal Command
  • How To: Unzip All The Files In A Directory
  • How To: Use Wayland in a Live Ubuntu Instance
  • I’ll Try To Answer The Question, “Should I Use Linux?”
  • If you’re seeing this…
  • If you’re seeing this…
  • It’s Time To Learn A Little About The ‘head’ Command
  • Let’s Count The Running Processes In Linux
  • Let’s Have Some Fun With Cowsay And Fortune
  • Let’s Install Ubuntu Restricted Extras
  • Let’s Use ‘ls’ To Sort Files By Time
  • Linux Installation USB Media Using Windows
  • Linux Tips: A Comprehensive Guide for Optimizing Your System
  • macOS vs Linux: Comparative Analysis
  • Meta Article, Something like #9…
  • Meta: I Should Have Numbered These
  • Meta: The State Of Linux Tips #15
  • PDF Exif Data
  • Repair Your Linux Boot Process With ‘Boot-Repair’
  • Setting Up Coding Environments on Linux for Educational Use
  • Short: Show The Groups You Belong To
  • Show Date And Time In The Terminal
  • Show Running Processes
  • Welcome to Our New Home!
  • What It Means To Volunteer
  • What it’s Like To Beta-test Linux, Specifically Lubuntu
  • What You Need To Know About Linux’s Magic SysRq Key
  • Yet Another Way To Find Files By Extension
  • Hardware

  • A Couple More Ways To Find Your File System Type
  • A Couple Of Ways To Monitor Swap Usage
  • A Few Ways To Count CPU Processors Or Cores
  • A Few Ways To Visualize Disk Usage In Linux
  • A Fun Way To Check If Your Network Devices Are Connected
  • A Little About The ‘lscpu’ Command
  • A Little About The ‘lspci’ Command
  • A Little About The ‘lsusb’ Command.
  • Another Way To View Attached Storage Devices
  • Automatically Enable Num Lock In Linux Mint
  • Benchmark Your GPU In Lubuntu
  • Benchmark Your Linux Box With Geekbench 5
  • Check Disk Speed In The Terminal
  • Check Memory Usage With ‘free’ In Linux
  • Check Your (Write) Disk Speed In The Terminal
  • Check Your Memory In The Terminal: Part II
  • Check Your NIC Speed In The Terminal
  • Disable The Caps Lock Key In Linux Mint
  • Enable fsck On System Start
  • Enable/Disable Your Network Interface
  • Find And Remove Duplicate Files With fdupes
  • Find The Last Filesystem Check
  • Find Your Last Boot Time In Linux
  • Gather Storage Disk Information With ‘smartctl’
  • Get Hardware Info With ‘dmidecode’
  • Get Some Prettified CPU Information in Your Terminal With ‘CPUFETCH’
  • Get Your NVMe SSD Information
  • Graphically Examine Hardware Info With HardInfo
  • Guest Article: Kickstart Vol. II
  • Guest Article: Kickstart Vol. III
  • How do I ‘Boot to USB’? (Or CD/DVD, if Such is Available)
  • How To: (More or Less) Learn if Your Hardware Will Work With Linux
  • How To: Check A Disk For Errors
  • How To: Check For Bad Sectors On Your Disks
  • How To: Check Your Hard Drive Temperature
  • How To: Clear Swap
  • How To: Disable CPU Cores
  • How To: Disable The Caps Lock Key
  • How To: Find The File System Type
  • How To: Find Your CPU Information
  • How To: Get CDROM/DVD Information From The Linux Terminal
  • How To: Install Proprietary Drivers In Ubuntu
  • How To: List Mounted Partitions
  • How To: List USB Devices
  • How To: Make A Linux Install USB
  • How To: Show Disk Information With hwinfo
  • How To: Show Your Hard Drive Specifications In The Terminal
  • How To: Tell If You Are You Using UEFI or BIOS
  • How To: Use S.M.A.R.T. To Check Disk Health
  • Is Your Storage Drive An SSD Or An HDD?
  • Let’s Determine The Number of RAM Slots Without Opening The Case
  • Let’s Find The Size Of A Directory
  • Monitor Disk Usage With GDU
  • Monitor USB Bandwidth
  • One Way To See CPU Information
  • Reboot From The Terminal
  • Remove A Swap File
  • Show Disk Usage With ‘ncdu’
  • Show Mounted Partitions
  • Show RAM Information With Ramfetch
  • Show USB Devices In A GUI In Lubuntu
  • Show Your Filesystem In The Linux Terminal
  • Show Your Graphics Card Version
  • Show Your USB Devices In The Linux Terminal
  • Test Your Storage Drive’s Read Speed
  • The du Command In Linux
  • The Meaning Of “Load Average” On Linux?
  • View Detailed Hardware Information
  • View Disk Usage
  • Yet Another Way To Check Filesystem Space Use
  • Networking

  • ‘traceroute’ in Linux, Let’s Take a Closer Look!
  • A Couple More Ways To Find Your Network Interfaces
  • Add A Message Of the Day (MOTD) To SSH
  • Another Way To Find A Website’s IP Address
  • Bring Your Network Up Or Down (In The Terminal)
  • Change Your DNS Servers To Google’s In Lubuntu
  • Change Your Hostname In Linux
  • Check Your SSH Server Configuration
  • Control Your WiFi With ‘rfkill’ And More
  • Disable WiFi From The Terminal
  • FTP From The Linux Terminal
  • Geolocate A Website
  • How To: Show An SSH Banner
  • How To: Boot An SSH User
  • How To: Change DNS Servers
  • How To: Clear the DNS Cache
  • How To: Enable NTP In Linux
  • How To: Find A Site’s Nameservers
  • How To: Find A Website’s IP Address
  • How To: Find Local Network Devices
  • How To: Find Your IP Address Through Your Terminal
  • How To: Hide The Output From wget
  • How To: Login To SSH To Run One Command
  • How To: Make ‘curl’ Ignore Certificate Errors
  • How To: Rename Your Network Adapters in Ubuntu
  • How To: Restart SSH
  • How To: Show Your Network Interfaces
  • How To: Test Your Bandwidth From The Terminal
  • How To: Transfer Files Over SSH with SCP
  • Learn About Your Wireless Connection
  • Let’s Find A Site’s MX Records
  • Let’s Talk About The Deep Web vs Dark Web
  • Let’s Use ‘netstat’ To Find Out What Process Is Listening On A Specific Port
  • Limit The Download Speed For ‘wget’
  • Make ‘wget’ Resume From An Interrupted Download
  • Monitor Bandwidth In Real Time
  • Monitor Bandwidth With nload
  • Monitor Network Usage On A Per-Application Basis
  • Monitor TCP/UDP In Real Time
  • Monitor Wireless Link Quality
  • Monitor Your Wi-Fi In Linux
  • Ping With IPv4 Or IPv6
  • Rename A File Downloaded With ‘wget’
  • Save A Web Page As Text
  • Send A Message To Another Logged In User
  • Send A Message To Logged In Users
  • Sync On Ubuntu 22.04
  • TeamViewer; My Most-Recent Favorite Alternative To VNC.
  • Temporarily Set A Static IP Address
  • Use Your Hostname With SSH Instead Of Your IP Address – In Ubuntu
  • Using The SSH Verbose Mode
  • Visualize Your Network Traffic With ‘darkstat’
  • Who is, Simply whois
  • Security

  • Add User To The ‘sudoers’ Group
  • Automatically Logout Of Your Shell
  • Block A Specific Port In Linux Mint
  • Change Snap Application Privileges In Lubuntu
  • Change The ‘sudo’ Password Timeout
  • Check To See If SELinux Is Working
  • Disable Inactive SSH Sessions
  • Disable Specific Terminal Commands
  • Disallow Directory Listing (in the terminal)
  • Disallow SSH Login For A Specific User
  • Find Files Modified On A Specific Day
  • Has Your Email/Phone (Personal Information) Been Involved In A Data Breach?
  • How To: Access Tor While Using T-Mobile
  • How To: Change Your Password In The Terminal
  • How To: Check If A Specific Port Is Open
  • How To: Crack A PDF Password
  • How To: Create a New User Without a /home Directory
  • How To: Disable Password Login For SSH
  • How To: Enable The Root Account in Ubuntu
  • How To: Encrypt A USB Drive
  • How To: Generate Sufficiently Complex Passwords In The Terminal
  • How To: Kill A User Session
  • How To: Lock Out A User Account
  • How To: Protect a file or directory from being deleted or changed by root
  • How To: Remove AppArmor From Ubuntu
  • How To: Sanitize Exif Data From Your Digital Images For Privacy Sake
  • How To: Scan A Remote Host For Open Ports
  • How To: Update A Single Package In Ubuntu
  • How To: Use sudo Without A Password
  • Let’s Password Protect A File
  • Let’s Shred A Partition
  • Let’s Use rkhunter To Look For Rootkits
  • Make Passwords In The Linux Terminal
  • More Ways To Generate Strong Passwords In Linux
  • Prevent Brute-Force SSH Attacks With fail2ban
  • Prevent SSH Root Login
  • Set Individual Flatpaks Permissions With Flatseal
  • Show Failed SSH Login Attempts
  • Use visudo To Edit The sudoers File
  • Software

  • ‘sudo apt remove’ vs ‘sudo apt purge’
  • A Bit About The Finger Command:
  • And Still Another Way To Find Files By Extension
  • Another Way To Locate Files By Extension
  • Automate Updates In Linux Mint
  • Create A New User With SUDO Privileges In Ubuntu
  • Customize Your GNOME Desktop With GNOME-Tweak-Tool In Ubuntu
  • Dealing With “Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock”
  • Dealing With Google Chrome Crashes, Freezes And Other Anomalies
  • Disable A PPA The Hard Way
  • Disable Ubuntu Snaps
  • Disable Window Grouping In Lubuntu
  • Enable PPAs In Elementary OS
  • Extract Files From .DEB Files
  • Extract Multi-Part rar Files In Ubuntu
  • Extract Text From Multiple File Types
  • Find A Command’s Binary
  • Find Out If A Package Is Installed In Debian
  • Generate A Process Tree
  • Get Some System Information With Archey
  • How To Install Krita In Ubuntu
  • How To: Add A PPA To Ubuntu
  • How To: Add Ubuntu’s Default Repositories
  • How To: Clear The apt Cache
  • How To: Completely Remove Software In Ubuntu
  • How To: Find Out Which Kernel Version You’re Using
  • How To: Find Out Which Window Manager You’re Using
  • How To: Install .DEB Files In Ubuntu
  • How To: Install The Regular “non-Snap” Version of Chrome Browser In Ubuntu
  • How To: Kill Processes By Their PID (Process ID)
  • How To: Make Google Chrome Use Less RAM (And Other Browsers)
  • How To: Make Google Chrome Use Less RAM (UPDATED)
  • How To: Open FeatherPad At A Specific Line
  • How To: Quickly Restart The Cinnamon Desktop Environment
  • How To: Remove A PDF Password
  • How To: Use An Older Version Of A Google Chrome Extension
  • Install A .deb Package In The Terminal
  • Install A More Current Version Of LibreOffice In Linux Mint
  • Install Brave Browser In Fedora
  • Install Flatpaks In Lubuntu
  • Install Python’s PIP Part One
  • Install Python’s PIP Part Two
  • Install The Full Version of Vim In Ubuntu
  • Install The Snap Version of Chromium
  • Installing Applications With DPKG
  • Installing Flatpaks In Linux
  • Keyboard Shortcuts to Browser Bookmarks
  • Let’s Decompress A File (tar.gz) In The Terminal
  • Let’s Install ‘gedit’ With All The Fixin’s In Ubuntu
  • Let’s Install Microsoft Edge
  • Let’s Install Nano (With Some Bonus Information)
  • Let’s Learn About The htop System Monitor
  • Let’s Make A Linux Installation Drive
  • Let’s Mount An .iso In Lubuntu
  • Let’s Play Around With ‘apt-cache’
  • Let’s Update Ubuntu In The Terminal
  • List Installed Software In Lubuntu
  • Make Applications Start Faster in Ubuntu
  • Manage Files In A tar Archive
  • Monitor System Resources With “Resources”
  • Monitor Your Linux System With NMON
  • My Three Favorite Text Editors, a Meaningless List
  • Quickly Reset Ubuntu’s Default Repositories
  • Reinstall A Package In Ubuntu
  • Remove The Firefox Title Bar
  • Remove Unused Kernels From RHEL
  • Restoring Google Search To Chromium When Installed In Linux Mint
  • Show Files Installed With A Package (Using ‘dpkg’)
  • Show Installed Kernels In Ubuntu
  • Show Two Text Files Side By Side
  • Turn PDF Into Text
  • Unzip .gz Files With gunzip
  • Unzip A .zip File In the Linux Terminal
  • Update Flatpaks From The Terminal
  • Update Python Packages (PIP)
  • Upgrade Linux Mint In The Termanal
  • Upgrade Ubuntu From The Terminal
  • Use ‘apt-cache’ To Find An Application’s Homepage
  • Use ‘apt’ To Download A Program And Its Dependencies
  • Use an RPM on a DEB-based System
  • Use Sublime Text On Ubuntu (And Derivatives)
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