
If you’re seeing this…

If you're seeing this, I am without power. Articles will continue as soon as possible. There has been a major…

12 months ago

Playing With Your Bash History

Your Linux computer, assuming it's 'normal' will retain the commands you typed in the terminal and this is your Bash…

1 year ago

Monitor Progress With RSYNC

When you're moving a lot of files around you might want to know the progress, so here's how you monitor…

1 year ago

Restoring Google Search To Chromium When Installed In Linux Mint

Well, that's a long headline, but it's not easy to compress the idea of restoring Google Search to Chromium when…

1 year ago

Meta: The State Of Linux-Tips #21

It seems like now is a good time to write another article about the site itself, because I've not done…

1 year ago

Repair Your Filesystem With FSCK

Over the years, we've covered the fsck command fairly extensively but I've never really written an article about how you…

1 year ago

Find The Last Filesystem Check

If you've been using Linux for any time, you may have done a filesystem check and today we'll find out…

1 year ago

How To: Enable NTP In Linux

Time is very important to the Linux operating system so keeping accurate time is important, which is why we want…

1 year ago

A Quick Look At The Cat Command

If you want to view the contents of a text file in Linux, you have something called the 'cat' command.…

1 year ago

Find A File While Ignoring Case Sensitivity

Today we'll have a fairly short article as we're simply discussing a way to find a file while ignoring case…

1 year ago