
Let’s Use rkhunter To Look For Rootkits

In this article, we'll go hunting for rootkits with a tool known as 'rkhunter'. It's relatively easy to use rkhunter…

3 years ago

Let’s Have a Limited Look at Linux’s cURL Application

This article is going to be a limited look at cURL, a Linux application used in the terminal to transfer…

3 years ago

How To: Use Wayland in a Live Ubuntu Instance

This article is based on an AskUbuntu question I answered a while back. The user wanted to know how to…

3 years ago

How To: Stop, Pause, and Resume Processes Running in Your Terminal

As you learn Linux, you'll possibly find yourself using the terminal more often. You'll run processes in the terminal because…

3 years ago

Let’s Learn How To Change The Default Terminal

There are many reasons why you may want to change your default terminal emulator. It's actually nice easy to change…

3 years ago

Screenfetch vs. Neofetch, You Decide!

Should you use screenFetch or Neofetch? That's up to you to decide. This article will share some info about both…

3 years ago

Finally, an Answer to What is The Best Linux Distro?

Finally, an attempt to answer to the age old question: Which Linux distro is the best? This question has been…

4 years ago

Review: The SpaceFM File Manager For Linux

Let's try something new! Let's take a look at a different file manager for a change. Specifically, let's look at…

4 years ago

Get Some Prettified CPU Information in Your Terminal With ‘CPUFETCH’

This brief article will help you get 'cpufetch' installed and running. cpufetch is like neofetch, except it's for your CPU.…

4 years ago

Repair Your Linux Boot Process With ‘Boot-Repair’

META: Over the past few days, the site has kinda blown up. The bandwidth allotment was shattered for the month…

4 years ago