Categories: GeneralMeta

Welcome to Our New Home!

Starting very soon, there will be content posted here. It looks like I’m ahead of schedule and I’ve done all the debugging that I can do without content and users, so tomorrow will be when the first article gets published.

The old site was fine, but search engines don’t like that domain and email service providers liked it even less. So, with any luck, we’ll be good to go at our new domain.

You may want to sign up for the newsletter, as I’ve not yet transferred anybody’s information. The same rules (for me) apply as before. I will not sell, trade, or share your email address with anyone. Your personal data belongs to you and if you share it with me then I’ll continue to treat it with the utmost respect.

The old Paste exists, but I’ve also made a new PasteBin for this domain. As the old Paste was seldom used, it’ll be shut down sometime soon. Nobody really used it, except for me. So, it may have been a waste of time to set up a new one. I did it anyhow. If nothing else, I use it from time to time! (I find I mostly use it when I want to quickly share text with a different computer – both my own and others.)

The old domain also had a chat, that was never published, but there could be one here if there’s both interest and a willingness from someone who wants to moderate said chat. If there’s no interest, I’ll not bother devoting time and space to it.

As I was saying at the start of this, publication will begin again tomorrow. In fact, the first article is already scheduled. We’ll see if I can keep up the same publication schedule as I had with the previous site.

There’s a ton of content that I still want to get online. Linux is great like that. There’s a lot to learn and there’s always something new to learn. I look forward to your comments and contributions. There’s always room for more people to get involved. If you’re looking to help others grow in their Linux knowledge, this is a fine place to do so.


Retired mathematician, residing in the mountains of Maine. I may be old and wise, but I am not infallible. Please point out any errors. And, as always, thanks again for reading.

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  • Congratulations, self! You did a pretty sweet job setting up the new digs.

    This is actually me and I'm just ensuring that the Linux Tips features work correctly. I should probably note that this is the last thing I can think of that I need to test.

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