
Mastering Efficiency: Unleashing the Power of Bash Aliases

In the realm of command-line prowess, efficiency is king, such as Bash aliases. Every keystroke saved is a victory, and…

1 year ago

Playing With Your Bash History

Your Linux computer, assuming it's 'normal' will retain the commands you typed in the terminal and this is your Bash…

1 year ago

Automatically Enable Num Lock In Linux Mint

Sometimes I write articles that scratch my own and this time around it's how to automatically enable Num Lock in…

1 year ago

Disable A PPA The Hard Way

Today's article is just for fun, as there's usually a handy graphical way because we'll be discussing how to disable…

1 year ago

Let’s Make The rm Command Even Safer

Today's article is one I don't expect most folks to follow, but it'll be a fun way to make the…

2 years ago

How To: Have Infinite Bash History

Today we're going to have a good time because we're learning how you can have infinite Bash history. There's a…

2 years ago

How To: Disable The Caps Lock Key

Today's article is one that I used to scratch my own itch because I really like to disable the caps…

2 years ago

How To: Prevent A File From Being Deleted*

Today, we have another simple article, where we discuss how to prevent a file from being deleted. It's not quite…

2 years ago

Make Applications Start Faster in Ubuntu

Today's article is pretty specific as we discuss one way to make applications start faster in Ubuntu. However, I feel…

2 years ago

How To: Make Google Chrome Use Less RAM (UPDATED)

Today's article is going to be a brief article about a previous article, where I gave you one way to…

2 years ago