Meta: I’ve Been At This For Three Years!

I have not done a meta article lately. I don’t find them interesting to write even though people seem to show some interest in them. They’re a pain to write and I can write a regular article easier than a meta article.

After all, my normal meta article is just updating you on how much traffic the site gets and how much bandwidth the site uses. I also tend to toss in some stats about where the traffic comes from and what that traffic looks like.

That’s not all that fun and can be a pain to write.

So, let’s get that out of the way…

February wasn’t as great but January was awesome. Last month saw a new level reached – where this site averaged more than 1000 visitors per day. 

visit statistics
Yup… There are a lot of you these days…

I guess the next major threshold will be when I get 1000 unique visitors in a month. Quite a few of you visit more than once, those are the ‘visits’ in the chart. The unique visitors are just that, how many unique people visit the site.

Sure enough, my traffic still comes from Google – even though I no longer use AdSense. As far as search traffic, the next two most popular search engines (for this site) are DuckDuckGo and StartPage. 

The most popular operating systems are Linux, MacOS, and Windows. I suppose that makes some sense. Some of what’s on this site applies to MacOS as they’re a POSIX-compliant operating system.

The most popular browsers are Chrome (and those that identify as Chrome), Unknown, and Safari. Firefox isn’t well represented here. They’re 4th on the list with about 19% of my traffic.

My legitimate traffic comes from the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom. China and Russia are in the stats, but they’re mostly bots. Finding accurate stats to pick between them can be difficult. So, the above is about what I can figure out.

Yeah, I regularly consume 50+ GB of traffic per month. Considering the site is pretty much pure text, that’s a lot of writing. There are millions of words on the site now and I’m still not out of ideas.


This is our third anniversary! Three years!!! Whodathunkit?

This was the first article:

Welcome to Our New Home!

I’ve had some guest articles along the way (and at least another one coming when I can schedule it). Most of the articles, 99.999% at least, have been written by me. 

We don’t get a lot of donations but we get a couple here and there. That helps cover the costs, plus people can now advertise here on the site. That’s helpful. I do love my CDN though it (and hosting) are expenses.

This has taken a whole lot of my time. I value my time, but I guess I also value the site. Otherwise, I’d have stopped publishing articles. One of these days I’ll quit but I plan on keeping up with the schedule for the time being.

That schedule? Well, you get a new article every other day. Most of those articles don’t contain any major errors, which is nice. I can’t be perfect all of the time, but I do my best. You’re welcome. 

I’m working my way towards a million visits. That’s nice. 

Here are the most popular articles:

How To: Remove AppArmor From Ubuntu
Change Between CLI and GUI Mode
How To: Disable Sleep And Hibernation on Ubuntu Server

Once upon a time, I was stoked to see 20 visits in a day. So, I guess I’ve built something here. Pardon me, but I’m a wee bit proud of my accomplishment. It has come a long way.

As such, I’m just going to keep this short.

Thank you. Thank you for your readership and encouragement. Here’s to another year. I think I’ve got another year of this in me. We’ll have to see. I’m bound to miss a day eventually, but this is three years without doing so (technically).


That’s all, folks. I appreciate you.

Thanks for reading! If you want to help, or if the site has helped you, you can donate, register to help, write an article, or buy inexpensive hosting to start your site. If you scroll down, you can sign up for the newsletter, vote for the article, and comment.

Meta: The State Of Linux Tips #22

I don’t want to write a meta article today, but I said I would. I don’t prefer them, but I started writing them and continue to write them. Sometimes, though more seldom than not, they’re a small break between other articles. However, they’re mostly just a waste of time and energy.

But, I said I’d write this one today. By pure luck, it’s also a fine time to wrap up the end of 2023.



That’s right. I’ve published 500 articles, many of them at an acceptable standard! Some have been abysmal and others are hits in the search engine results.

When I started this project, I did not know I’d keep it going this long. Even when Mother Nature conspired against me, which she’ll be doing again this coming Wednesday, I was able to cheat and at least claim that I had an article published. They were garbage, but they were articles that informed. They told you why you were getting no articles!

Mother Nature is entirely to blame. She does what she wants and there’s not a whole lot we can do to stop her when she’s bent on causing destruction. It is what it is, I suppose. Given my geographical location, I’m surprised that Mother Nature hasn’t caused more trouble. So far, we’ve been fairly lucky and able to get articles published.

 A Quick Blurb About 2023:

So, in 2023, we experienced a 61% increase in unique monthly visitors and we experienced a 68% increase in monthly visitors.

Combined, we’ve used more than .5 TB of traffic. CDN traffic was about 350 GB of traffic. Backend traffic was about 135 GB of traffic. That’s a lot of bits and bytes! 

Linux-Tips received $25 in donations over the year. This is definitely not a get-rich scheme. Any ad revenue goes straight to the CDN provider. Fortunately, they’re not all that expensive. You buy credits ahead of time and I’ve got a solid chunk of credits, though they’re wearing them down. It’s a new year, so I’ll add some more credits soon.

Google sent more than 116,000 visitors to Linux-Tips.
Google also accounts for (Chrome/Chromium/clones) 80% of the browsers.
Firefox is about 3.5% of the browsers.

Sites besides Google send me traffic! sent me more than 17.5k unique visitors and more than 51k visits.
Reddit sent me just 894 people – but they’re sort of 2nd on the list.
The real 2nd on the list is the old .gq site, but we’ll ignore that.

Here Are The Leading Articles:

Find Out Which Display-Manager You’re Using
Screenfetch vs. Neofetch, You Decide!
How To: Restart TeamViewer From The Terminal

What an odd assortment. You never know what search engines are going to like and you never know what people will be searching for. Ah well…

I also get some weird search engines.

You spend an average of 246 seconds on a page.

Most of you are from the US.
Most of you are technophiles.
Many of you are professionals.
Many of you are middle-class or higher.

I Get Other Traffic:

I get traffic from places I didn’t think I’d get traffic. These are some of the odd search engines out there, some of which give good results…

DuckDuckGo sent more than 6k visits.
StartPage sends about half of that.
Yandex sent about 1k.

I wasn’t indexed in Bing until recently. They sent like 500 people.

Those are tiny fractions of the overall traffic, but that’s okay. I’m happy to be helping people from all over the world. I even get traffic from China’s search engine.

The top 3 countries that send traffic would be:

United States Of America

However, that includes malicious traffic. The majority of malicious traffic also comes from (or uses a VPN and appears to be from) two of those countries. I’ll leave it to the reader to pick which two and I’ll leave it to the sociologists to decide why that is. We will not be digging into it in this article.

And, man… I get a lot of malicious traffic.

Just for one example, I’ve (not personally, it’s automated in many ways) dealt with more than 60,000 spam attempts in 2023 alone.

In just 24 hours, the site will be attacked 2,500 times – excluding spam attempts. Sometimes this number will double.

Don’t worry. This place is a fortress. You can knock on the door all day long and we should be good to go. And people do just that… They knock loudly and often! I use a multi-layer defensive system that has so far prevented unauthorized access. 


So, yeah… It takes longer to write this sort of article than it does to write a regular article. There are all sorts of other facts and figures I could share, but that’s enough for an overview and I don’t want to invest that much time. I’ve invested enough in an article that’ll be appreciated by a few dozen people.

I think the important takeaway is that this is the 500th published article on Linux-Tips. If it wasn’t for your readership and encouragement, I’d have quit this long ago. So, thank you! Thank you to those who read and comment.

Thank you to those who contributed thoughts, insight, additional information, donations, and ad revenue. Every little bit goes into the CDN kitty. LOL It’s not enough to pay for the base hosting, so I just kinda ignore that and it’s automatically deducted so I don’t think about it.

It will be a while before we’re at 1,000 articles – but we just might get there. I suppose our next major milestones will be 600 articles and the 3-year mark. The 3-year mark is coming right up. It will be in April. It’s hard to imagine that I’ve been doing this for that long, but I have proof that I have! I have lots and lots of proof that I’ve been doing it for this long.

Heck, I can use this as proof in a courtroom. “No, your honor. If you look at my life you’ll see that I don’t have time for committing crimes! I’m too busy doing other stuff! A giant portion of my time is spent with the Linux community.”

I think that’d work in any reasonable court!

Ah well…

Thanks for reading! If you want to help, or if the site has helped you, you can donate, register to help, write an article, or buy inexpensive hosting to start your site. If you scroll down, you can sign up for the newsletter, vote for the article, and comment.

Meta: The State Of Linux-Tips #21

It seems like now is a good time to write another article about the site itself, because I’ve not done a meta article in over two months. Yeah, it has been that long since I last did a check-in to let folks know how things are going. Every time I’ve thought about writing a meta article, I’ve decided to write something else.

The thing is, there’s not much to write about. Things are going very, very well. At least I think things are going well. It’s quite amazing how far this site has come and I have you, the regular readers, to thank for that. I have you, those who have contributed, to thank for that.

When you point out a problem in an article, you make the site better. If you choose to comment, it provides motivation. Those who voice their appreciation give me the confidence to continue. Without you, I’d have long since run out of any shred of desire to write.

Thank you! Really, thank you!

So, what do I mean when I say that things are going well?

Some Numbers:

In November, more than 17,500 unique visitors visited the site and did so more than 26,000 times.

I remember when I was stoked to see 20 visits in a day.

Once upon a time, I didn’t have to pay extra for bandwidth. In November, this site went through nearly 70 GB of traffic. LOL If you want to donate, that’s where your donations go – into paying the CDN. Fortunately, the bills aren’t that high.

Advanced Web Statistics claimed that I showed about 1,300,000 pages – but that seems unrealistic. I’m pretty sure that’s counting bots. Bots account for a bunch of my bandwidth, but the stats I share with you do their best to only include real human visitors.

This will be article #482.

I’ve not missed a day yet, though I remain convinced that I will – and I’m okay with that. So far, I’ve just been lucky. Eventually, Mother Nature and my infrastructure will cause me to miss an article. So far, there has been at least one article every other day. That was the schedule I decided upon when I started the site. That is the schedule I’ve followed.


I get so many requests to link to this or that. People constantly request that I allow them to write a ‘guest’ article. They do this because they want a link on my site and that helps with their SEO (Search Engine Optimization) goals.

If you look at the top of the page, you’ll see a new link up there. Those are the rules and fees for me sharing an article or a link. I have intentionally priced them high. I mostly formalized this so that I can just respond to those emails with a link.

Man… So many SEO link requests… Most of them don’t even seem to know what the site is about. It’s like they just shotgun requests and hope for desperate blog authors. I am not desperate.

If you want to legitimately write an article that’s not to promote your site, feel free to do so. I’ll happily accept those. If you’re not doing it for SEO reasons, that’s fine by me.

Speaking of SEO, I’ve paid some attention to it lately. I’ve been learning more about SEO and trying new things. The site ranks pretty well for some keywords and phrases.

Search Engines:

I’m finally listed in Bing.

Bing sends me maybe 1% of my traffic…

I get traffic from all the major search engines – and some of the not-so-major search engines. Like, I get a few people from Ecosia. Weirdly, Duck Duck Go sends me the second-most amount of search engine traffic. The first is Google, of course. Bing and Yandex are respectively next, after “Unknown Search Engine”. That’s followed mostly by the regional Google instances, such as or

As mentioned above, I’ve done some on-site SEO work. They care about things like links, readability, load time, and stuff like that. This site ranks well in all those categories, as a general rule.

If you search for “ask a good support question”, you’ll likely find this site at the top of the list. Sadly, the people who most need that information will never search for that information. I’d call it irony, but it really isn’t ironic. It’s just a statement of the human condition, I suppose.

The site also ranks well for terms like ‘screenfetch vs neofetch‘, ‘Prevent SSH Root Login‘, ‘ls -l format‘, ‘restart teamviewer‘, and ‘sudo apt purge‘.

It’s a weird assortment. I have a hard time knowing what articles will be the most appreciated by Google. They tell me that I should know that before I even start writing an article, but I don’t worry about it.

Also, writing these meta articles takes more time and effort than writing regular articles. Search engines don’t even like these articles!

What Can You Do?

You can keep reading and keep commenting – even if nobody ever comments here. 99% of the comments here have got to be spam. I’m not kidding. I’ll get a dozen spam attempts a day – and that’s AFTER automatic filtering.

Bots can’t easily spam the site, so these are real humans wasting their time. I can’t imagine being so poor that I’d undergo a task with so little chance of success. I sort of feel sorry for these people, but not enough to let them spam the site.

You can donate of course. As I said, all the donations go straight to paying for bandwidth. You don’t have to. I’ve long since concluded that I’ll pay the bills regardless of how high they go. The site is not currently at risk of going under. Still, it’s an option.

You can unblock ads. I appreciate it if you do, but I understand if you do not. If you do unblock the ads, please only click on ads that you’re legitimately interested in. Clicking a bunch of ads is a nice gesture, but that makes Google angry. I do not like it when Google is angry! Google has been angry before. 


Like I said, these meta articles take me longer to write than it takes me to write the average article. They’re kind of a pain in the butt and I almost regret doing the first few as that now makes me feel obligated to keep doing them. They may disappear entirely, but I’ll keep going for now.

The first few were easy, as I didn’t have much to say. Now, I have hundreds of facts and figures that I could share, but I’m not going to invest the time and effort to do so. If you have any questions about this sort of stuff, feel free to ask me. I just don’t want to invest that much time and effort into some article that’s going to be read by maybe 50 interested parties.

As always…

Thanks for reading! If you want to help, or if the site has helped you, you can donate, register to help, write an article, or buy inexpensive hosting to start your site. If you scroll down, you can sign up for the newsletter, vote for the article, and comment.

Meta: The State Of Linux-Tips #20

Today’s article will just be a meta article, not a complicated article, and just the state of Linux-Tips. As you can tell by the numbering, I don’t remember to do this every month, but I try to. I figure it’s fun to share what’s going on behind the scenes.

The process of writing these articles can take as much time as it does to write a ‘regular’ article. They often take longer than that. That’s okay. I still try to write them.

Things are going well enough. The site continues to grow. The site attracts more and more attention. It is a slow growth, but it’s far more growth than I ever expected. Once upon a time, I was happy to see 20 visits (per day) in my logs. In the past month, we’ve had 4 days with over 1000 visits.

As you can imagine, this is expensive. It’s still well within the realm of affordable. The only two real expenses (I don’t count my time as an expense, though I probably should) are hosting and then paying for a CDN.

If you’ve donated in the past, thanks! You’re still invited to help pay for stuff – but, as I said, it’s still within the realm of affordable. There’s no chance I’ll close the site due to operating costs. Regardless of how large the site gets, I’ll keep the site up and running.

Hosting costs are up there. The server has been upgraded to 8x the RAM it had. I was running into resource limits and it was impacting the site’s public side. So, that had to be addressed.

How about some numbers?


I don’t talk about security much. I don’t want people to know a whole lot of what goes on behind the scenes, at least as far as security is concerned. What’s important is that I use a multi-layer approach. 

Spam is mostly eliminated. If it’s an automated bot, it’s going to have issues posting here. However, some people in low-wage countries have people who are willing to spam manually. It’s a nuisance as I have to go through and remove it manually. It never gets published.

How about some numbers… 

This is some automated spam protection:

automated spam protection
I do not need to manually remove that spam! So, that’s nice! (It should expand if you click on it.)

Oddly, these next numbers are low, they’re usually about 10x this amount. I suppose that means the site’s not under attack today. It could also be that other measures have stopped the attacks.

There are many varied attacks when you run a WordPress site.
Those numbers are usually much, much higher. The low numbers make me happy!

As you can see, the next numbers show that I’ve managed to block pretty much all brute force attacks. This is yet another layer of security.

WordPress gets lots of attacks.
Those numbers are pretty good too, which is nice. I do not pay for the premium subscription.

The next is one of the first layers of security – where I keep the login portion of the site secure. The image won’t make much sense, in part. I have no idea what the graphic is meant to represent – but the three successful attempts were all me. (I use 2FA, so ain’t nobody gonna access the ACP.)

You need to block brute force login attempts.
These are just people who tried to brute force or password guess to gain access.

I really could use a competent WordPress administrator to monitor all this for me. Then again, I don’t think I’d want to cede control.

Popular Stuff:

I’m just going to use Google for the next section. I won’t bother showing the numbers because they’re inaccurate. Google doesn’t seem to count those that block their scripts, meaning they’re useless for some analytic numbers. They’re still proportionately correct and easily visualized, so they’re not completely useless.

The vast majority of my traffic comes from Google. Like, 90% of my traffic comes from Google. People sometimes wonder why I deal with Google and the reason is that it’s worth it (to me) to do so.

These are the top 10 pages found by Google Search:

Top 10 pages found by Google Search.
Those are the top 10 pages that get the bulk of traffic from Google Search.

On the other hand, according to Google’s Analytics (again, these numbers are skewed but still sort of useful), different pages attract the bulk of my traffic. That’s a bit unusual but neat. 

Most active pages on the Linux-Tips site.
Those are (according to Google) the most active pages on the site.

So, there’s some new information for you.

Meta Article:

I suppose it wouldn’t be a meta article without some more numbers… Well, I have some more numbers! I love numbers and pay quite a bit of attention to numbers.

Also, I bought a new domain name and now I’m looking for motivation to write about being a WordPress admin. We’ll see how that goes, but I haven’t found much motivation yet.

This is the 450th article published on this site.
A new article is published every other day, so far without fail.
There are ​341,874 words.
It would take you 22 hours, and 47 minutes to read it all.
The longest article is How To: Ask A Good Support Question.
There have been 206 approved comments.
So far this month there have been 21,226​ visitors.
We’ve used 43 GB of traffic so far this month.


Well, there are some numbers for you. I figured I’d spice it up a little bit and share some different information this time around. It’s just a meta article, after all. Taking, uploading, formatting, and filling in meta information for images can take a bit of time, so this article has taken me longer than normal. Imagine that!

Thanks for reading! If you want to help, or if the site has helped you, you can donate, register to help, write an article, or buy inexpensive hosting to start your site. If you scroll down, you can sign up for the newsletter, vote for the article, and comment.

Meta: The State Of Linux-Tips #18

Today we’re just going to have another meta article, as I like to do now and then. We haven’t had a meta article in quite a while. These are articles that are just a quick look at what goes on here behind the scenes, an article about how the site is coming along.

I would like to do a meta article every month but there’s not always something worth writing about. As such, I haven’t needed to write a meta article in going on two months. Not much has changed but now’s a fine time to write one.

So, things are going just fine. You may have noticed an outage. The outage was because we were being whisked away to a new server and things did not go as smoothly as planned. Things might have gone better, but I have a fairly complex setup and use a CDN that requires things like an IP address.

I couldn’t even log in to the WordPress control panel, so I knew something was wrong. I was initially concerned that we were hacked, but we weren’t. There had been a DDoS (or at least a whole lot of traffic), but that was at the server level, not the account level. Or, at least it wasn’t my site being attacked specifically.

So, we’re now housed in a New York data center. We moved from Dallas. You won’t notice because I use a CDN. Very little traffic reaches the server directly. You access cached content at a server in your geographical location.

There are endpoints around the globe that cache my content and present it to you. That’s why my site should appear to have nearly 100% uptime (barring server moves) and why the site should load quickly, irrespective of your location on the planet. Ideally, you never even need to know that the server is located in New York, but now you do.

I am sorry about the outage and the trouble caused. I take full responsibility. There’s no reason to think this will happen again in the near future. We should be just fine for the foreseeable future, though I may someday need to move to a bit more robust hosting. This is starting to get to be a large site.

A Meta Article:

So, things are going about as well as they were. Traffic ebbs and flows and we’re in the “summer slowdown” right now, which is when people spend more time outside and not online. This is a well-known internet phenomenon and appears to apply to Linux geeks as well. That’s okay, I’m still getting plenty of traffic.

I’ve decided to share a couple of pictures. They’ll explain a bit. However, you should be aware that web stats aren’t ever all that accurate. These are close enough…

Let’s look at the operating systems that visit Linux Tips:

Statistics - operating system
Those are the operating systems visiting the site.

Let’s have a look at the browsers used by Linux Tips visitors:

These are the browsers that visit Linux Tips.
Again, the accuracy is limited. Chrome will be browsers that identify as such.

So, those are the operating systems and browsers used to visit us here at Linux Tips. You can notice a trend. Those numbers have been pretty static for a while, or at least similar in their percentage values.

This will make the 414th article.
I’ve never missed a publication date.
There are more than 300,000 words in these articles.
The average is 769 words per article.
It’d take you 20h 43 minutes to read the site.
It’d take longer, as you have to wait for load times.

My most popular pages have changed recently. I do not know why. I do not understand the workings of Google. I try to practice good SEO and have a bunch of articles that rank okay for some search terms, but I don’t know why some are ranked higher than others – especially as I write almost all of them to a formula.

Anyhow, these are the most Googled pages:

How To: Quickly Restart The Cinnamon Desktop Environment
Pause And Unpause Your Terminal
Disable Printing And CUPS

I have no idea why those articles are now more popular, but they are.

Either way, I’ve already used up about 20 GB of traffic so far this month, and we’re not even 2/3rds of the way through the month. I did get a donation, which was pretty sweet. The CDN appreciated it. As I’ve said before, there are donation links on every page – but the site’s gonna stay up and running even if you do not donate. So, while they’re appreciated I’m still going to pay for the hosting and extra bandwidth.

Oh, most of my traffic (by far the vast majority of my traffic) comes in via search engines. But, is where I get most of my direct referral traffic. Most of you use the “www” subdomain:

Most of my direct referral traffic comes from
See? Those folks visit fairly regularly.

I don’t do much with Reddit. The links just get automatically published there, but it’s a small subreddit that pretty much only gets my posts. It has almost no subscribers. I don’t try to promote it. I probably should, ’cause Reddit has a whole lot of traffic.

Let’s see… I’ve covered almost everything, I think…

Oh, there are ads. If you would like to do so, you can easily whitelist this site in your ad-blocking extension. They don’t pay much, but it’s nice that they do. 

Yeah, I think that’s about it.


Well, there you have it… You have another article and this time it is a long-overdue meta article. They’re a pain in the butt to write and it’s easier to write about technical things, but I try to remember to write one every so often. Today just seemed like that day.

This time, I mixed it up and included some graphics. That’ll save me some time! (Actually, I probably could have typed out the necessary data faster than I could have taken the screenshot, uploaded it, edited it for publication, and inserted it into the article.) But, still, it’s something different.

Thanks for reading! If you want to help, or if the site has helped you, you can donate, register to help, write an article, or buy inexpensive hosting to start your site. If you scroll down, you can sign up for the newsletter, vote for the article, and comment.

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