Let’s Install And Use ‘locate’

Today, we’re going to learn to install and use locate and we’ll even cover some basic usage. If you’re unfamiliar with locate, it does exactly what you’d expect – it helps you locate files on your computer. Read on for a basic understanding.

The locate command is a terminal-based command, a text way to find files on your computer. It can be a pretty useful command – with some advanced usage – but we’ll just cover some basics.

The locate command is actually installed by installing ‘mlocate‘. So, let’s just get that out of the way. Depending on the distro you use, it’ll likely be in your default repositories and you can install it much like you’d install any other software. For example, in a distro that uses apt you’d install it with:

You may have it installed by default. You can check that with:

If that spits out a version and some version information, you’ve already got it installed and there’s no need to install it.

Anyhow, with that accomplished, let’s learn a bit about how to …

Use Locate:

This article requires an open terminal, like many other articles on this site. If you don’t know how to open the terminal, you can do so with your keyboard – just press CTRL + ALT + T and your default terminal should open.

Of course, you’d have had to open the terminal in the preamble, but I  might as well tell you again. With the terminal open, you can check the man page for locate. You’ll see it does exactly what you’d expect it to do:

locate – find files by name

To use the locate command, it’s quite simple. It’s ‘locate <flags> <file_name>‘ and really quite simple. It does what you tell it to do, nice and easy. 

For example, it may return a lot of results:

Or it can be quite targeted:

However, it needs a database to work from. If you’ve just installed the mlocate package, you’ll need to update the database. Hmm… I probably could have mentioned this sooner. Oh well… You’ll find it if you need it. It pays to read all the words, folks!

To update said database, it’s this command:

Now, there are a couple of useful flags. We’ll cover a few. You can just return a number of how many files match the description with the -c flag:

You can limit the number of responses with ‘-n <number>‘ easily enough:

The locate command defaults to being case-sensitive, but you can change that behavior with the -i flag:

Finally, you can check the database statistics with this command:

While there are other options for the locate command, including using it with other commands, those are the options I find myself using more often than not. I suspect those will be the most often used options when you too make use of the locate command. Be sure to check ‘man locate‘ for more information.


See? It’s a quick and easy article about how to use locate to find files on your Linux computer. It’s not terribly difficult and it’s a handy command to have learned. As mentioned, the man page has even more options for you to use the locate command. Feel free to check ’em out.

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Disallow SSH Login For A Specific User

In today’s article, we’re going to learn how to disallow SSH login for a specific user. The reasons you might want to do this should be obvious, so that’ll save some time! Read on to learn how!

I’ve covered SSH in many articles. If you search for “SSH”, you’ll find a bunch of articles covering the subject. I’m not sure why there are so many, but there are. I seem to have a lot of notes on the subject. 

Here, this link will help you search for SSH articles.

SSH is “Secure Shell”, a method to login to remote computers so that you can manage them without being their physically. It’s used by systems administrators regularly, without ever needing a GUI to manage their Linux systems.

It’s also used by people like me, too lazy to walk to the other side of the room. I’m literally using SSH to manage stuff on my laptop from here on this desktop as I write this. On top of that, while not logged in right now, I was using SSH to manage a VPS earlier today.

So, SSH isn’t just for professional system administrators and, if you use SSH at home, you might as well know how to secure it. This article will help you secure your system – by learning how to disallow SSH login for a specific user.

Disallow SSH Login For A Specific User:

This article requires an open terminal on (and connection to) the computer you wish to change. That may require you to login to that computer remotely. If you’re on a local device and you don’t know how to open the terminal, you can do so with your keyboard – just press CTRL + ALT + T and your default terminal should open. Otherwise, SSH into it like a boss.

With your terminal/connection now open, enter the following command:

Find a place to make a new line and enter the following with some care:

Now, this one is a bit picky. Obviously, you substitute <username> with the real name – but in between “DenyUsers” and the username you absolutely MUST press the TAB key. If you try to just use spaces, it will not work! You MUST use the TAB key which will appear to insert spaces for you!

Assuming you’ve done everything correctly, you’ll need to restart SSH for the changes to take effect. You can do that with this command:

If you were logged into a remote system to make the changes on that system, the above command is gonna log you out and you’ll need to login again. You knew that, but I figure I’ll mention it.

Hmm… If you’re a barbarian that doesn’t use systemd, try this:

When SSH restarts, the prohibited user will get a “Permission Denied” message when they try to login. Ha! That’ll teach Jerry in accounting from thinking he’s a system admin!


Whelp… You have another article. This one has shown you how to disable SSH login for a specific user (Jerry in accounting, who had no business accessing the server anyhow). You’re welcome!

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A Few Ways To Count CPU Processors Or Cores

So, in today’s article we’re going to learn a few ways to count CPU processors or cores. This is something you might already know about the system in front of you, but may want to verify with a remote system.

To the Linux system, there’s little difference between an individual processor or a core, or even a thread. Each core will appear as its own processor – and that’s exactly how it should be. Linux will treat each as its own processor and do its best to take advantage of multi-core/multi-CPU systems.

Now… Hmm… I shouldn’t need to explain this, but your computer has a processor called a CPU. It may have more than one, though that’s unlikely in a personal computer. Instead, your CPU may have multiple processors on it – each functioning more or less independently as ‘cores’. Additionally, your CPU cores may have multiple threads and each of those threads will appear as its own CPU.

That’s a very simplistic overview and I have to do things like limit how many characters are in the title of the article – and I don’t really want to try to explain everything. 

For example, you could have a 4 core CPU that’s dual threaded. 4 x 2 = 8, so your system will see 8 CPUs. There’s only one physical processor, but you’re effectively working with 8 of them. (By the way, you can *sometimes* compile software optimized by the number of cores available.)

Count CPU Processors Or Cores:

(or threads, I suppose)

This article requires an open terminal, like many other articles on this site. If you don’t know how to open the terminal, you can do so with your keyboard – just press CTRL + ALT + T and your default terminal should open.

Now, there are so many ways that you can count the CPU processors or cores. We’re just going to cover a few of them. Feel free to leave other solutions as a comment. I’ll approve the comments as quickly as I can.

Solution #1

We just recently used the ‘cpuinfo‘ file to learn about your CPU. So, we’ll start with that one first. We’ll process it with ‘grep’ and then do some counting:

It might look something like this:

output showing there are 8 CPUs available
You’ll have to use your imagination for the rest. I’m only making one screenshot.

Now, those are individual threads that it’s counting – on the same physical CPU. But, to the system they appear to be individual CPUs. I can assure you, I do not have 8 physical CPUs in my laptop.

Solution #2:

Now, your computer does technically know if it’s a physical CPU, CPU core, or CPU core thread. It just normally doesn’t much care. If your CPU and OEM vendor did things properly, you can learn that information using ‘dmidecode‘.

They do not always implement this properly and you will sometimes find mistakes when using ‘dmidecode‘. Let’s hope for the best when we run this more convoluted command:

That one uses egrep and picks out multiple words to include. If you run that command, you should find out that your computer really can tell the difference between cores and threads – and physical CPU count (though not with this command).

Solution #3:

This final solution is nice and easy. If you’re gonna memorize one of these, this would be the one to memorize. In fact, if you’re going to need to count CPU processors or cores, you might just as well use this one. It’s easy and effective.

That one will output the total number of CPUs, cores, or threads. That’s all it will output, just a single number. That number is how many CPUs (effectively) your computer sees – and that’s it. It’s pretty much perfect.


There you go. You have another article, this one explaining how to count CPU processors or cores (or threads, really). It’s handy information to know, though you probably already know it. Like I mentioned above, you can optimize C/C++ code to run on the specific number of cores – and there are other reasons you might want to know this. 

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One Way To See CPU Information

Today, we’re going to explore one way to see CPU information. On the original site, I had a couple of articles about this sort of stuff but we didn’t cover this method. It’s a short and sweet process, though I’ll show you a couple of ways to process the output.

The date that this will be published is July 4th. That’s a holiday in the United States. Not only do I live here, the vast majority of my readers live here (according to the stats I have). So, this will be a nice and easy article. For those of you who reside elsewhere, you’re welcome. You won’t have to work too hard today to understand what’s going on.

Anyhow, we’re not going to use any special tools. We’re not going to use any applications that you don’t already have installed. While we likely could, there really isn’t any need to. This being Linux, the information we’re after is already in a file. All we need to do is read that file.

So, let’s get to it…

How To See CPU Information:

This article requires an open terminal, like many other articles on this site. If you don’t know how to open the terminal, you can do so with your keyboard – just press CTRL + ALT + T and your default terminal should open.

With your terminal now open, let’s go ahead and read the file we need if we want to see the CPU information:

That’ll output a ton of text. You can read it as it is, or you can actually get it in a more readable form using the ‘less’ command. To do that, you just change out the ‘cat’ command, like so:

Now, just use the arrows on your keyboard to scroll down (or back up) through the text. When you want to close the output and return to the terminal, just press Q and it will close.


That’s it. That’s all there is to this article that tells you how to see CPU information. It’s not a very tough article, and it’s quick. So, I met those goals! Yay me! Enjoy your holiday, even if the holiday is just a nice quick article that doesn’t require much thinking. Me? I’ll drink some beer and char some dead animal flesh.

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