Fix The Application Menu For Shutter

Today’s article is pretty niche, one where we fix the application menu for Shutter. On one hand, if you don’t use Shutter, this probably isn’t the article for you – but you can still read it and learn something useful. On the other hand, it fixes a ‘problem’ with Shutter and I think this is a fine time to cover it.

So, if you use Shutter, read on! (Hint: Even if you don’t personally use Shutter, you can still benefit from this article.) You’ll just need to understand what was done and how to apply it to other shortcuts.

By the way, Shutter has been mentioned here (and elsewhere):

Take, Edit, And Upload Screenshots With Shutter

I use Shutter all the time. It’s my go-to when I need to share a screenshot. It’s handy and I recommend it to anyone who has to deal with a lot of screenshots. I also use Flameshot, but that’s less often.

Alas, when you install Shutter it wants to put the application menu shortcut under something like ‘Utility’, so it appears as an administration tool or doesn’t show up where you’d expect it to be. This is just silliness.

What Shutter should do is should show up under ‘Graphics’ in the application sub-menu! So, that’s what this article will do. It will show you how to fix the application menu for Shutter so that it shows up under ‘Graphics’.

This article shouldn’t be all that long. It seems to me that it should be pretty brief… We’ll just have to wait and see!

Also, as mentioned above, this article should be easy enough for my readers to extrapolate into resolving other application menu gaffes/choices. It’s a nice and easy article. Or at least I hope it is…

Fix The Application Menu For Shutter:

Now, when I did this, I did it with the GUI. You will not be doing it in the GUI, if you follow this article’s advice. When you do it graphically, it’s still pretty simple. It looks something like this:

You can use a GUI to change where the file is listed in the application menu.
Fixing the application menu to show Shutter under the ‘graphics’ heading.

That’d be a bit convoluted to explain because everyone’s using a different desktop environment and different file managers. So, instead of doing this is a GUI, we’re doing to do this in the terminal. (Of course we are.)

Open your default terminal now. If you don’t actually know how to, you can just press CTRL + ALT + T and your default terminal should open.

With your terminal now open, enter the following command:

That will open the .desktop file with Nano.

From there, scroll down to where you see “Categories” and change the ‘Utilities’ to ‘Graphics’. With that done, you need to save your changes. As we’re using Nano, you save your changes by just pressing CTRL + X, then Y, and then ENTER

The results should be immediate, though I’ve seen this require logging out and back in again. For the most part, it should just work – and it should work immediately. When you next open the application menu, you should find Shutter where it belongs – under the ‘Graphics’ sub-menu.

Now, you can do this with all sorts of other applications. If you don’t like the existing category, just change it until you do like the category. When you change that, the shortcut should appear in the expected sub-menu.

Feel free to try this will all the applications you want. It should work with any of them. If you do decide to do this in a GUI, you’ll need root and the files need to be edited as though they’re plain text. Enjoy!


And there you have it… You have another article. In this article, you’ll have learned how to fix the application menu for Shutter – and other applications. Best of all, you’ll have done it in the terminal, which means you can do this with pretty much every operating system without needing to change the commands. The terminal is pretty awesome.

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