Change Snap Application Privileges In Lubuntu

In today’s article, we’re going to learn how to change Snap application privileges in Lubuntu. With Ubuntu, it’s a bit more straightforward. In Lubuntu, you have to dig around a little bit. Don’t worry, ‘snot hard – it’s just not all that intuitive. 

Snap applications come with their own privileges. This is useful because sometimes you may want to change them, to enable something that was disabled or to disable something that was enabled. I think it’s sorted now, but at one point you even had to change the permissions to let the Firefox browser access removable media.

In Ubuntu it’s pretty straightforward and there are a ton of tutorials already out there that will help you change Snap application privileges. It’s just one of those things that comes with Snaps, so we’ll cover Lubuntu.

I’ve written about Snap applications before, including sharing how to disable Snaps completely. However, the reality is that they’re going to be a part of the Ubuntu ecosystem for the foreseeable future.

Like them or not, they will be a part of Ubuntu and official Ubuntu flavors. I suspect trying to avoid them will get more difficult. With the new Lubuntu, for example, the Firefox browser will come as a Snap application by default.

So, well, even we folks using Lubuntu must come to grips with Snap applications. This can be a pretty painless process, if you’re armed with some information. That’s what this article is meant to do. This article is meant to teach you how to …

Change Snap Application Privileges In Lubuntu:

This is actually pretty easy, but not necessarily intuitive. Unlike many of my articles, you don’t actually have to start with an open terminal. No, you need to start with “Discover”.

So, crack open your menu, click on System Tools, and then click on Discover. Once you have Discover open, you can use the search or installed option to find the application in question. In this article, I decided to just use Firefox – seeing as we Lubuntu users will be faced with a Snap app Firefox.

When you find the application, you just click on it. It looks like so:

click on Firefox to begin
See? I even started you off with a handy arrow! It’s a recurring theme!

Once you’ve clicked the application, then you just click on the obvious! You just click on “Configure permissions”. That looks like this:

click on permissions to continue
Yup. I gave you another handy arrow – but it should be obvious now.

Finally, you can adjust the individual permissions. That looks like this:

finally, adjust your permissions as needed
There are a bunch of settings you can change. Again, you get a handy arrow!

That’s about it, really. The thing is, you have to use Discover. While the Muon application is able to install applications, it doesn’t deal with Snap applications. Only the Discover application has these menus and it’s the only way (at least graphically, by default) for you to adjust the individual Snap application privileges.

So, while it’s not necessarily intuitive – it’s not dreadfully difficult. You just have to know where to look and then it becomes obvious.


Guess what? As of tomorrow, a day where no article is scheduled, it will have been a full year that this project has been alive. That’s right! I’ve gone the full year without missing  a single publication date! If I can do it, so can’t you! 

So, am I done? No… No, I don’t think so. I still have articles that need to be written, things that need to be said. I’ve had a great deal of fun, though it has been a lot of work. I’ve learned some, you’ve learned some, and I’d say it’s a net benefit to the Linux community – though I suppose I’m a bit biased. (Feel free to agree with me!)

I may take a few days off. I’m not actually sure. I haven’t decided. I have decided that this can’t be the last article, so there’s that. Which is nice… If nothing else, I’ll see you again in a few days. I might enjoy taking a break. Then again, I kinda suck at taking breaks. I truly suck at retirement.

Thanks for reading! If you want to help, or if the site has helped you, you can donate, register to help, write an article, or buy inexpensive hosting to start your own site. If you scroll down, you can sign up for the newsletter, vote for the article, and comment.

Remove The Firefox Title Bar

If you, like me, appreciate clean and simple layouts then the Firefox title bar is annoyance. Firefox’s title bar wastes space, adding unneeded clutter. I have a dislike for that sort of stuff. If you too happen to dislike it as much as I do, this article will tell you how to remove the title bar from Firefox.

If this site’s aesthetics doesn’t make it obvious, I really like my layouts to be simple. I don’t like wasted space that doesn’t give me information that I need. That’s one of the reasons I use Linux – I can make the OS get out of my way and get my work done. If I had the skills, I’d make this site ‘responsive’ so that it filled wider screens better – just to avoid that wasted space.

I admit, it’s pretty picky and maybe a bit over the top, but I really do like the entire screen to have information I need on it. Other than a few applications, everything I do is in full screen. I sometimes don’t even bother with a desktop background – because I never see the desktop.

I believe the more technical term would be that I like an ‘information dense’ working environment. It’s not for everyone, but it works for me. For example, as I write this, I have 92 tabs open. See:

92 open tabs

See? I wasn’t kidding. That’s a bit more than normal, but not much. It’s what I do. Firefox isn’t usually among my open apps, actually. Oh well…

I also have multiple browsers open. Yeah, I have a problem… (My other main browser has ~60 tabs open.)

Remove The Firefox Titlebar:

So, what am I talking about? How can you fix this in Firefox? Well, a picture is worth 1,000 words… 

firefox title bar
That. That there is wasted space. That’s the kind of thing that annoys me.

It’s actually easy to get rid of, if you know where to look. So, this won’t be a taxing article – it’s an article that anyone can follow!

Firefox needs to be open, of course. Once open, look in the upper-left. You’ll see three vertical dots and those open the menu for customization. Click that and then click on “Customize”. Then, simply scroll down and untick the box for Title Bar.

disable firefox title bar
It’s easy, once you know where to look. Also, I suck at editing images. I seriously suck…

You don’t even have to restart the browser. It really is that easy to get rid of this annoyance. While you’re there, you can also customize a few other visual elements, so you might as well do that while you’re there. That and a theme and you’ve made your Firefox browser into your own.


And there you have it, a nice and simple article that tells you how to remove the title bar from Firefox. It’s not dreadfully difficult, but it is an article! Maybe I should do one for Chrome/Chromium? That’d be another simple article that might be useful for people looking to maximize their screen’s real estate.

Thanks for reading! If you want to help, or if the site has helped you, you can donate, register to help, write an article, or buy inexpensive hosting to start your own site. If you scroll down, you can sign up for the newsletter, vote for the article, and comment.

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