Install A .deb Package In The Terminal

Today’s article is a basic article where we discuss how you can install a .deb package in the terminal. It isn’t all that complicated and there is almost always more than one way to accomplish things, especially when it comes to the terminal. If you want to install a .deb package in the terminal, this … Continue reading “Install A .deb Package In The Terminal”

Let’s Play Around With The Linux Shell.

Today’s article is a bit of a mystery, as I’m writing it and not sure how it’s going to end up – but it will be about the Linux shell. I’ll try to make it approachable, even for beginners. Let’s see where the article takes us! I think I’d caution most beginners to stick with … Continue reading “Let’s Play Around With The Linux Shell.”

How To: Find Local Network Devices

Today’s article will be a bit of a weird one, as I share with you one way to find local network devices using the Linux terminal. I suppose network device discovery is typically seen as a dark art, something a malicious hacker might do, but it’s completely harmless (in and of itself). So, if you … Continue reading “How To: Find Local Network Devices”

Let’s Update Ubuntu In The Terminal

Today’s article will be a nice basic article, where we discuss how to update Ubuntu in the terminal. It seems like a fine article to write and one that not everyone will be versed in. There are lots of folks who don’t use the terminal for much of anything. Then, there are people like me … Continue reading “Let’s Update Ubuntu In The Terminal”

How To: Install .DEB Files In Ubuntu

Today’s article is only useful for a subset of my readers, that is those who need to know how to install .deb files in Ubuntu. That’s a bit cheeky of a headline, but there’s a character limit to adhere to. So, if you want to install .deb files in Ubuntu, this article is for you… … Continue reading “How To: Install .DEB Files In Ubuntu”

Visualize Your Network Traffic With ‘darkstat’

Today’s article is a fun one, an article where you’ll learn how to visualize your traffic with darkstat. It’s a fun little tool that lets you graphically visualize your network traffic in your browser. While it’s likely more of an enterprise-level tool, there’s no reason you can’t use it as a home user. So, if … Continue reading “Visualize Your Network Traffic With ‘darkstat’”

How To: Install XnView MP On Ubuntu

Today’s article is going to do exactly what it says in the headline, it’s going to show you how to install XnView MP on Ubuntu. It won’t be a very long article, perhaps a bit longer than some, nor will it be all that difficult. XnView is a great photo viewing and manipulation application that … Continue reading “How To: Install XnView MP On Ubuntu”

Sync On Ubuntu 22.04

In today’s article, we’re going to learn how to sync on Ubuntu 22.04. It’s an easy enough article, one even a new user can follow. Read on, my dear readers! It’s a holiday when/where I write this, largely ’cause I wasn’t ahead of schedule, so a nice and easy article sounds like a good … Continue reading “Sync On Ubuntu 22.04”

How To: Get CDROM/DVD Information From The Linux Terminal

In today’s article, we’re going to learn how to get CDROM/DVD information from the Linux terminal. What we’ll be doing is getting hardware information. It should be a brief article, as we’re just going to cover two commands. I won’t even need to detail the various options, as we’re just after the hardware information. I’d … Continue reading “How To: Get CDROM/DVD Information From The Linux Terminal”

Linux Tips
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